President’s Notes: June 2023

July 21, 2023

by Andrew Pelkey
June 2023

As I write these notes for the June addition we are amidst the “spring rush” or as some in the industry call “the hundred days of hell.” Which, when written out, seems a bit drastic, but we can all relate. If you are in the Green Industry for your living, it doesn’t matter if you a are single owner operator or have 100 team members under you, the stress is equal and real for all of us.

When things get busy, it’s natural to focus on the immediate work in front of you and more difficult to focus on bigger-picture thinking. During this first year as NHLA president, as we’ve worked through the spring, it’s been a bit overwhelming to submit these notes on time along with my other duties as a Board member. I also know that all of the other Board members and volunteers for the Association are in the same boat. It is a good opportunity to thank each and everyone person that helps NHLA provide the resources to you folks.

On that this front, we have plenty of items in the works for this year. In May we have a sprayer calibration and safety workshop for women, paver and block wall installation workshop. In June and July, we will have twilight meetings at Bedrock Gardens and Van Berkum Nursery. In August our annual golf tournament, and in September our annual Field Day event.

This year’s Field Day event will boast a larger offering with additional vendors and more training opportunities including hands on learning.

As a board, we continue to roll out more resources for the Association members, planning for both the near- and long-term future. I hope you take advantage of them all even when things are busing during the spring rush!