Promoting Knowledge, Standards, and Relationships for Landscaping Professionals and Consumers
NHLA is a statewide non-profit association dedicated to advancing the Green Industry and providing resources to its members and the public. We help members increase their knowledge and grow their businesses by promoting sound practices and high standards, offering educational opportunities, assisting in building relationships, and promoting legislation beneficial to the industry. For consumers, we provide information on the benefits of landscaping and how to work with a landscaper, a directory of NHLA member landscapers, and information on the services and products they offer.
Latest News
The Price of a Killer View
Some of you may have heard of the major pesticide violation that happened a couple of years ago, and is[...]
Questions to Ask Yourself as an Owner of a Landscape Business
I like to ask questions. Sometimes I ask questions of others, but often the most powerful ones are those I[...]
Transition to New NHLA Business Manager Completed
The NHLA Business Manager position has been undergoing a transition over the past year and is complete as of September[...]

Our Mission
NHLA is dedicated to making the landscape industry and its members the best they can be.
The mission of New Hampshire Landscape Association is to create a community of dedicated professionals committed to a sustainable environment, improving knowledge, skills and professionalism. We accomplish this by enhancing our public awareness of general, economic, and legislative issues to develop our appreciation of the Green Industry, in the state of New Hampshire.