Apply Now to These Scholarship Programs
Two scholarship programs are available for horticulture and landscape design and construction students. One is through NHLA, and the other through the The Ruth E. & Leon E. Pearson Memorial Scholarship. Grants for each are made annually.
The Pearson Memorial Scholarship applications must be returned no later than December 1, and the NHLA Scholarship applications by December 15.
The NHLA scholarship is available, but not restricted to: 1) NHLA members and their employees enrolled or enrolling in full or part-time college programs that are related to the landscape industry. 2) High school seniors enrolled in agriculture education and/or horticulture classes related to the landscape industry. 3) College students already enrolled in two- or four-year landscape related majors.
The Ruth E. & Leon E. Pearson Scholarship was established in 1993 by Mrs. Ruth E. Pearson of Concord, NH, to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarship to horticulture students at the Stockbridge School at the University of Massachusetts and NHTI, Concord’s Community College. Scholarship applicants must demonstrate an interest in the field of horticulture by satisfactorily completing the equivalent of at least two semesters of full time college level study in a related field and must hold a 3.0 GPA.
Please go to for more details about the scholarships and the forms to apply.