President’s Notes – August 2024

August 21, 2024

by Andrew Pelkey
August 20204

The landscape industry is ever-evolving, necessitating continuous education to maintain expertise and competitiveness. For members of the New Hampshire Landscape Association (NHLA), continuing education aligns perfectly with the organization’s mission to advance the Green Industry through knowledge enhancement and high standards.

The landscape sector continuously sees new trends, technologies, and sustainable practices. Continuing education ensures professionals are knowledgeable about the latest advancements, such as eco-friendly landscaping techniques and smart irrigation systems, allowing them to offer clients cutting-edge solutions.

Comprehensive skill development is crucial in landscaping, covering horticulture, design, project management, and environmental stewardship. NHLA provides numerous educational opportunities, helping members to deepen their knowledge and stay proficient in their field.

Landscape regulations and standards evolve, focusing on environmental concerns and safety. Continuing education helps professionals stay compliant, avoiding legal issues and ensuring their work adheres to current industry standards. NHLA promotes legislation beneficial to the industry, aiding members in navigating regulatory changes.

Clients prefer knowledgeable and up-to-date professionals. Continuing education, often provided through NHLA’s certification programs, enables landscape professionals to showcase their expertise and attract more business.

Exposure to new ideas and techniques through continuing education can inspire innovative and creative solutions in landscaping. NHLA events and workshops offer platforms for members to learn and share innovative practices.

Continuing education through NHLA includes workshops, seminars, and conferences where professionals can network with peers and industry leaders. These connections are invaluable for career growth and knowledge sharing.

The landscape industry plays a vital role in environmental sustainability. NHLA’s focus on sustainable landscaping practices in continuing education helps professionals address climate change challenges effectively.

In conclusion, continuing education is crucial for landscape professionals to stay relevant, skilled, and competitive. NHLA’s commitment to promoting knowledge, standards, and professional relationships underscores the importance of ongoing learning, benefiting both the professionals and the broader community. By investing in continuing education, NHLA members can ensure they are at the forefront of the industry, delivering exceptional and sustainable landscaping solutions.

For more information about NHLA’s educational opportunities and membership benefits, visit NHLA’s website at