NHLA Scholarship Application

If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out the application below. Submit the appropriate additional materials (see below) by mail or as a PDF (click here to download) to Kathryn Sicard at director@nhlaonline.org.

Kathryn Sicard
NHLA Business Manager
PO Box 925, Derry, NH 03038

Grants are made annually. All applications must be returned no later than December 15th.

The winner of this scholarship will be determined by the NHLA board of directors at the February board meeting, and the scholarship(s) will be awarded in March.

This scholarship is available, but not restricted to:

  1. NHLA members and their employees enrolled or enrolling in full or part-time college programs that are related to the landscape industry.
  2. High school seniors enrolled in agriculture education and/or horticulture classes related to the landscape industry.
  3. College students already enrolled in two- or four-year landscape related majors.


  1. NHLA Scholarship Form (online or by email)
  2. A one-page essay that tells us a little bit about yourself and your background. If you can, please tell us how you got involved in, or how you hope to be involved in landscape or nursery and some of your goals.
  3. Any additional information regarding your personal circumstances which will help the committee evaluate your request for financial assistance.
  4. Please provide your most recent transcript or grade history.

NHLA must receive all four parts of your application to be considered for the scholarship.

Winners will receive:

  • A check made out directly to you. Amount varies depending on our donors.
  • Recognition at our March meeting
  • Recognition in the newsletter
  • An NHLA Student membership for one year
  • An invitation to be part of then NHLA Education committee
  • You may upload additional information here. Document types accepted are doc, docx, or pdf. Max. file size is 2 MB.
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.