Choose from newsletter ads, website homepage placements, and classified advertisements to showcase your brand. With competitive rates, you can reach landscape enthusiasts, industry experts, and potential customers. Whether promoting products, services, or seeking employment opportunities, NHLA maximizes your advertising impact. Explore ad sizes and rates below to get started.

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Newsletter Advertising Rates

Display Ad Size (width x height) 1 issue 5 issues 10 issues
Full Page (7 1/2 x 10 inches) $250 $1,070 $1,545
Half Page (7 1/2 x 4 7/8 inches) $190 $760 $1,160
Quarter Page (3 5/8 x 4 7/8 inches) $130 $475 $700
Eighth Page (3 5/8 x 2 5/16 inches) $65 $255 $365

Website Homepage Advertising Opportunities

One Month = $150
Three Months = $300

Specs: 400 x 200 pixels, full color

Employment Advertisements

60 words: $60 for Non-Members / Free to NHLA Members
Employment ads run in one NHLA Newsletter and up to three months on the NHLA website.

Classified (Non-Employment) Advertisements

30 words: $30 for Non-Members; $20 for Members
Classified ads run in one NHLA Newsletter and for one month on the NHLA Website.

Advertising Info and Deadlines

  • All Print copy is due by the 7th of the month preceding the newsletter’s issue date.
  • For example, copy for the May Newsletter is due by April 7th. NHLA publishes 10 issues yearly, with the months of March/April and October/November combined into one issue.
  • Payment in full is required at the time of placement of first ad.
  • All display ad rates are for press-ready digital copy.
  • The NHLA reserves the right to refuse ad placement

Graphic Design

All graphic work completed by the NHLA editor, is done as a service to the advertisers placing advertisements in the NHLA Newsletter or website only. Additional fees may be incurred for advertising placements outside of NHLA publications or website.

Graphic Design Fees

1/8 page $50
1/4 page $90
1/2 page $150
Full page $200

Advertisement File Format

Advertisements should be sent as electronic files via email. If your file is over 3 MB, please upload your file to one of these file sharing apps:,, or

PDF files are preferred and should be saved at 300 dpi, “press” quality and at 100% size. Please make sure fonts and links are embedded, and that there are no OPI settings checked. Save your pdf as a grayscale document. When designing your ad, all photos and graphics used must be at 300 dpi. Please do not include crop marks or other printer marks.

Other accepted formats are Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, or Illustrator CS5. An InDesign file can also be saved and sent as an IMDL file, but make sure all fonts and links are included with your submission and that any photo or graphic links are saved at 300 dpi. We do not accept Quark Files.

All ads are printed in black and white. Do not include color graphics or photos in your ads.

Note: If you send your ad as a Microsoft Word file, you must send any logos or graphics used in it separately, and make sure they are saved at 300 dpi. There will be a $40 fee for converting your Word file to a press-ready file.

You may only use Word to create a PDF of your ad if there are no photos or graphics as the resolution will not be high enough for offset printing.

ANNETTE ZAMARCHI, Advertising Manager
139 Liberty Street
Concord, NH 03301-3180
(603) 661-3488

View Print Version of Advertising Information