The landscape industry is tough: hard work, long hours, demanding clients, and equipment breakdowns are all part of a day’s work. NHLA has been a respite for me over the years. The connections I’ve made, whether it is by joining in on education programs, participating in volunteer projects, or simply attending meetings, have been invaluable. I encourage you to come to a meeting and get involved. You will find the camaraderie and support of your fellow contractors and the educational opportunities well worth your time

– Bill Gardocki

About 25 years ago I joined NHLA and in the first few years I only attended a few meetings.  Eventually I was encouraged to join a committee and the benefits of the association become clearer.  The more involved I got, the more I met people who faced the same problems I did and were happy to offer advice and help in any way they could.  I never had a member hesitate to give me help or advice or just steer me toward another person that they knew could help.  I have met dozens of people that I consider friends and I call on a regular basis to ask about safety issues, irrigation problems, hardscape questions, legal issues and much more.

Not just membership but involvement in the association has been invaluable to me.

– Peter DeBrush, Tuckahoe Turf

Belonging to the New Hampshire Landscape Association since the 1980s has been a joy providing me and my landscape architecture and planning practice with news of my many friends in the NH green industry and with “how to” articles as well as horticultural issues explained by well-informed specialists. Leaders associated with UNH Cooperative Extension and accomplished business professionals across the various segments of the industry contribute throughout the year. I am always amazed at the insights I gain from the monthly newsletter editorials as well as the outstanding speakers at frequent meetings sharing their knowledge. Memorable stories and excellent guidance have been shared by Phil Caldwell, Bill Gardocki, Peter Kidd, George Pellettieri, Gary Hinz, Chris Blackstone, John Hart, Peter VanBerkum, Cathy Neil and others. The President’s Notes in every Newsletter continually show remarkable direction and dedication to the organization and its success. I have worked in bordering States but none have a trade organization as effective and accomplished as New Hampshire – NHLA stands tall! A final comment, behind the scenes we are so fortunate to have for many years a Newsletter Editor who is beyond the best……Carolyn Isaak, a talented and kind team player deserving raves! May sunny days continue for NHLA.

– Bill Hoffman

When I joined the New Hampshire Landscape Association back in the mid eighties I was still working for Three Seasons Landscaping and did not yet realize that it would lead into a 45 year career in the landscape industry. For 36 of those years I’ve had my own business and as I’ve said before, no one is more surprised than me! What has been the constant throughout all these years and helped me in my business is my membership in NHLA and the continuing education I have received from it. The January and March meetings,the twilight meetings, the demonstrations and workshops, the dinner meetings and field trips all with the one goal of continuing the education of our members and raising the standards in the industry. The networking too, has been an important part of NHLA and being able to talk to and ask questions of some of the top people in their Field as well as just having the feeling that you are part of something is very cool. As a long time Board member and 3 time President I have certainly benefited from all that through the course of my career as well as the long lasting friendships that have come from being a member of NHLA.

– Dave DeJohn

It is hard to believe that NHLA has has served the “Green Industry” in New Hampshire for over 40 years! It began as a group of us gathered to create, shape, and coordinate a single professional association that could bring together the many diverse, knowledgeable, and committed individuals who operate in our industry throughout the state. This wide variety of businesses included arborists, landscape architects/designers, contractors, maintenance providers, nurseries, vendors, and suppliers, and many more. The idea was simple – to provide opportunities to meet, learn, share ideas, and support one another.
Fast forward to current day NHLA and I believe strongly that these early ideas are alive and well! Additionally, the association has continued to evolve, adapt, and change, to meet to the many new demands that we all face as professionals, families, and as community members and citizens, too. Many of the challenges we face are revolutionizing how and what we do every day. Technology alone has changed dramatically, our computers, tools and equipment, practices, and certainly our environment! Think Climate Change, Robotics and AI, Sustainability, Solar/Electric, Invasives, and more.
As a professional Association, NHLA is well positioned to be actively involved in all these issues! We have tremendous knowledge and experience at our disposal through YOU, the Members! Educate, Discuss, Tour, Train, Mentor – by being involved, volunteering, donating, and supporting NHLA.
As someone who has been (and continues to be) an NHLA member, I can assure you that an involved membership makes all these things possible.
I have seen first-hand that “a Rising Tide indeed Lifts All Ships”!

– George Pellettieri